
Seminar Slides – Aalto Games Now! – What Is This Indie Anyhow?

Aalto Media Factory and Media Lab Helsinki have an open and free lecture series about game industry this fall and next spring – Games Now!

Yesterday the topic was “What Is This Indie Anyhow?“, with a panel discussion by Tero Virtala from RedLynx, Johannes Vuorinen from Frogmind and Jetro Lauha from Strobotnik (that’s me), moderated by Jaakko Kemppainen from Triple Sec Entertainment.

Each of us did a short presentation before the panel. My presentation contained some personal history of my work with games, as well as a few opinions what does it mean to be an “indie” game developer (and well, that you really aren’t independent of everything).

You can check a video of the panel from the Games Now! -site.

Lot of the content in my presentation was in spoken form with slides having pictures and not that many words, but in case somebody is still missing the slides, here’s links to them.

PDF slides (15 MB)
Executable Slides (Windows, 13 MB)
Executable Slides (Mac OS X, 27 MB; build removed)

Again I built my slides using Unity. If you run an executable version and press ‘P‘ key in the black “2013” slide, you can view further versions of the graphical plant like growing thing. It’s a tech teaser about what I’ve been working with lately, trying to grow it into a bit fuller concept of a product.

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