

llab (2013,2015)

llab is an entry to the 26th Ludum Dare 48 hour game development competition. Given theme was “Minimalism”, which was in fact already used in 11th Ludum Dare. :)

For me, this particular entry was mostly about using LD as an excuse to learn some new bit of Unity3D. Mostly the implementation was about playing around in the editor, and there is very little actual code. The game is a little bit inspired by the beginning of Wizball where you could only bounce.

Fun fact: The sort-of-music you hear in the menu is made by making sounds to a voice-changing toy megaphone and then editing it slightly afterwards in Audacity.

Sorry, link to play in web browser has been removed, as Unity player plugin is nowadays deprecated.

Links for downloadable versions: Windows / OSX / Linux.
(Also, you can check out the little bits of C# source code there is.)

Playthrough video in YouTube:

Ratings: (#: total of 2346 games; point scale is 1..5)
Coolness 100%
#281 Fun 3.30
#369 Overall 3.36
#525 Theme 3.57
#547 Graphics 3.04
#650 Innovation 3.00
#662 Audio 2.52
#816 Mood 2.62
#839 Humor 1.86

2015 UPDATE:
Slightly enhanced version for Android devices