Sauna Dismount

Sauna Dismount
Sauna Dismount™ – Kiuasturvat™ (2008)
Platforms: Windows

Yet another addition to the Dismount™ series. Like previous ones, this game was again made for a game development competition at the Assembly event. Sauna Dismount™ took second place in the competition.

Originally idea for the game wasn’t centered around the Dismount theme, but was more about a Sauna game where the character might even fall onto the sauna stove (kiuas), with the intended translation-mishap pun of “vastaisku” (bath whisk hit) from “counter strike”. It just happened to be a good way to try making such game by putting it in the Dismount setting, although that indeed ended up making it purely about falling onto the sauna stove… such things tend to happen.

Download version 0.51 – Warning: you must know how to unpack a .zip file and find the executable. This is just a prototype.
YouTube video