If you want to check out the beefed up Stuntcar Extreme® Accelerated, buy or have a look somewhere at Dell Axim X50v – the game is available as part of the free 3D gaming pack!
Khronos events
At work I have been lately tuning up an accelerated version of the Stuntcar Extreme®. If you happened to be at Khronos Developer University event in Helsinki, you probably got a sneak peek of it. Khronos Group is the industry consortium behind the OpenGL ES API we are using for the hardware acceleration in the game. Also the OpenGL ES challenge has been recently launched. Participate and you might get a chance to adopt a reindeer.
Other news – the index page of my site is now my weblog.
In the TV
I made some TV appearances recently. :-) I was interviewed by Finnish TV-channel MTV3 in the Assembly‘2004 event. I also made a short appearance in the German 3sat neues TV program in the August 14th showing, which is now available for review as a web stream as well. That program was also a report of the Assembly event.
First version of Turska UI
I have recently released the Turska UI library as open source. The first version of Turska was created for the Truck Dismount – Rekkaturvat game. Since then it has been cleaned up a bit and the Dismount Levels is naturally using it as well. The API and features of the library itself are still very much in development. Nevertheless two additional projects are already using it. The Turska project page development is hosted in the SourceForge.net Google Code.