
No entry for LD48, SD update out

The Stair Dismount 1.2.0 (iPhone/iPod touch) update should be out now!

In other “news”, I didn’t end up making an entry for the last weekend’s Ludum Dare 48h game dev compo. The theme was “Exploration” – I wasn’t really fond of the theme, but I still had a solid idea very quickly I went forward with. However, I ended up honing gameplay nuances for too long in my head and without actually doing much of implementation. I ended up writing some level generator thing and the supporting draw code etc. Might come back to those later if I want to work more on the idea; or perhaps even integrate with my summer efforts for making a little game for Assembly which also turned out not to be.

On the other hand, at least there was nice chance to have sort of “role reversal” for the weekend, since I was the one who went to buy groceries and made some food, and my wife made a nice little game to entry in the same LD48 compo.

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