
Moving Forward

This spring was different time for me. For years my B.Sc. degree has been missing just a few tiny bits. For example, I needed just a few course credits to fill up a second minor subject, which is “Software Business” offered in collaboration by local universities. This spring I took a mini course and wrote one report about things I found interesting in last GDC, which were enough to get the few missing points. Now, after 15 years, I unlocked the B.Sc. achievement.

I don’t actually think there will be much difference from having a degree or not. It has just been sort of nagging thing because it was just almost there, so maybe it was sort of mentally easier to get done with that than keep it lingering forever. So I don’t have any current plans to continue towards M.Sc., even if I’m actually already halfway there (basically only thesis missing and a few other bits).

But that’s not all of things making this spring different for me. I decided it was time for me to leave Secret Exit, the company I co-founded over 5 years ago. I’m planning to continue as an “indie developer”, but I don’t really have anything announce-worthy to say about that yet.

I have actually already mentioned about these things in Twitter and Google+ already a while ago, so this post is sort of old news, but I figured I could write an update here as well.

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