
Stuff for Assembly 2012

Here’s list of some stuff from Assembly 2012 summer, the annual computer festival!

Together with stRana we made a little demo for the Assembly 2012 event’s demo competition. Like last year’s Grandma demo, this is also bit of an experiment, this time with real-time rendering of drawn line art/sketch data. Music is created by our friend Crud, embedding also bit of beat-boxing sounds by Ion. You can read a bit more about the demo in this page. Click to download (Windows), or watch the YouTube video.

New in this year was the 1 KB intro compo category. I made an entry called “Synxiety Attack – Tahdistuskohtaus”. Click to download (Windows), or watch a video in YouTube.

I also helped Jere “XMunkki” Sanisalo, who made a 4 KB intro called “Confusphere”. I created the music for that production using the 4Klang softsynth. Download (Windows) / YouTube video.

And top of it all + little bit help from others, we slapped together content from some old demos to have some sort of celebratory production since the tAAt joke group is now roughly 20 years old (YouTube).

And be sure not to miss the Shortfilm competition winner created by bunch of my friends I caught on video when they walked to the stage for receiving the prize

Here’s also links to bunch of other YouTube clips. These are videos of some of the best productions participating in the event: Traceless by TBC (1KB compo), Fireflies by Blobtrox (4KB compo), Introducing the iLisa by cmucc (real wild compo).

Lastly, there is of course the prototype game called K2, which I already posted about, with its own page here, and now also a YouTube preview video shown in the compo.

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