Archive for the ‘Code’ Category


Better looking anti-aliased lines with simple trick

Here’s some notes about anti-aliased lines.
For these tests of rendering anti-aliased lines my goals were roughly as follows:

  • relatively high-quality anti-aliased lines (better than subsampling or postprocessing)
  • simple low-tech solution extendable to wide range of platforms (e.g. not relying on availability of shaders)
  • visually better consistency than what you get if you just ask graphics API to anti-alias lines for you, and you might not even get any if the hardware is lacking
  • try to solve issue of anti-aliased lines showing a “roping” effect
  • concentrate on case of single lines without yet going to additional complexities such as line caps or joins between multiple lines



LD20: Guinea Pig Warrior

20th Ludum Dare contest was held a few weeks ago. The given theme was “It’s Dangerous to go Alone! Take this!”. I created a little platformer where the player character has a temporal projection sidekick. Check out Guinea Pig Warrior.


LD19: Drill Warrior

19th Ludum Dare contest was held already back in December. Since I managed to make an entry this time, I figured out I could post about it before the next one is held, which will be probably next month.

The theme was “Discovery”. Description, downloadable Windows build and source code of my game Drill Warrior can be downloaded from the separate page about the game.


Various ways to backup

Over the years I have been using several kinds of solutions to backup stuff. Here’s a description of the ones I can remember. Many of them focus on being low-cost, simple and straightforward, but are far from a perfect solution in many other ways.
